Wednesday 13 June 2007

One of our 'Authors Too' was on top form yesterday, at our Glynneath pop-in session i had my brain filled with a spot of politics for the day, way over my head though i'm afraid! If i run the country i would............? (not sure what i would do but our authors too have great plans, maybe i could just steal some of thier ideas!!!) out world!

Tuesday 12 June 2007

Thank Goodness for Shreddies!!!!

What a start to the week! I'm really pleased that i had my shreddies this morning!The week started off at Sunny Banwen for our pop-in session and we started with a bang!! we had the pleasure of having the American exchange Community Development Workers join us to start working on a digital story......can't wait for the finally product it will be really interesting to find out what the think of lovely little Wales!I can imagine that things here are very different from home!?! So while i prodded our USA friends for as much information as possible Mr P (Owen) had his hands full with some new blogging converts!!!!!! Blogger should be paying us a packet!!!!
The afternoon had us chasing down the mountains with Jeanette in toll back to the ARC for a chin-wag with Anthony and a spot of lunch! Then as quick as a blink of an eye we were off again.......Ammanford this time to help the lovely Communities First team there with some computer skills and more video editing with one of the youth!!! FAB JOB!!....and yes...then i was due back in Dove for some more blogging with the flower pots, no one could every say that they lack enthusiasm!!!!!!AWESOME!!!!

Friday 8 June 2007


Portmead is no longer!!!!!!! we have finally finished editing the schools concert!!!!It took so much longer than i thought....lots of lessons to learn from that one!but the finished article is amazing (not that it was that hard...the kids were amazing) but copies can now be purchased from the school and you can watch your little cherubs doing the whole thing time and time again in the pleasure of your own home!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 5 June 2007

Back at Glynneath!

yes....another new day, another new week!!! This morning i'm to be found in the company of the two 'young' authors of 'old new' (catchy title) at our Glynneath pop-in session. I've already entered into questions of the deep and meaning fulls of life with the Hoticultural Society that popped -in for help with thier powerpoint skills....and now the boys ( our authors) have sent me to the kitchen to make them a cuppa!! the cheek!!!lol.

Friday 1 June 2007

Friday again!!

It's Friday did that happen??!!
This week has completely flown by.
Yesterday was a day a remember for all digital outreach workers involved...check out these pics!!!Owen and myself spent the morning in sunny Seven Sister filming a 30 strong male voice choir, it made the hairs on my arms stand on end (my dad would have been proud!!) They were followed by a youth brass band and a spot of keyboard playing!!!!! Here's Owen getting stick in and loving every minute of it, capturing every moment on film!!!!! Luck him!
oppps!! did i forget to mention the escaped goat we passed??????

and today.....we had the pleasure of spending most of the day in DOVE in a staff/team building meeting which was followed by an amazing lunch provided by the cafe!!!!AWESOME!!! Thanks guys, a great day! The afternoon then brought us back to the ARC and the pleasure of our weekly team meeting with Debz! Bring on next week!!!!