Wednesday 29 August 2007

bad hair day!!!!

I'm finally back in work after my week off camping (in the rain and lots and lots of mud!!) and it's got to be said......its so nice to be back!!!! Camping really isnt my thing! Where is a girl meant to plug in her hair drying and straighteners!?? i'm a girl of luxuary am i ..... clean water.....dry feet........warm bed.....and flipflops!!!!! I'm not so keen on all this mud thing!!! wellies may look cool but after 5days of wearing they really arent that comfortable!!!!! i did have a fab week away though!!!! as well as lots of mud there was also lots of giggling and laughing....i cant believe giggling!!?!?!!!!!!! lol.

Wednesday 15 August 2007


what a very, very, very funny day!!!!! very random but very funny!!!
today was the day that the whole of BYM have been looking forward to for weeks!! The Lord Mayor was coming to town! and the day started with Owen turning up for work looking like this.... i laughed!!!!!! He thought that he would make a special effort for our star guest!!!!!lol. AWESOME!!!!!Anthony thought so sure!!!???!?!?!!!! lol.

Monday 13 August 2007

a new career of mr P?

i've just spent the last 1.5hours bluetoothing photos from my mobile phone and found this gem of Owen's portait of me!!!!!!! keep up the good work Mr p!!! Tony Heart would jealous! lol.

mmmmm - I'M NOT SURE!!!

i thought that i would share this with you.......i went to a pub in llandarrog on saturday night and they had a turkey in a glass box in the corner of the room????!!!!!!?!?! i'm i the only one that finds this strange?? welsh people get more and more odd when you pass llanelli!!!!!!

Thursday 9 August 2007

Everybody is on holiday!

Summer period doesn't slow down for everybody, while most people are making the most of the holiday period Owen and I have been really busy! This week we have been blogtastic again! look out for the soon to be new additional to the blog links from here! They will diff make you laugh!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Monday 6 August 2007

RSS feeds!

check out the new addition to my blog. how clever!

Just call me digidoll...NOT

Yes the sun was yet again out today!!!!! An Unusual thing these days! what joy! Myself and Owen spent most of the day in Glynneath today with the local youth who are re-painting the centres mural.....and and Owen worked our blogger magic yet again! we really should be getting paid by google for all this free advertising! We'll keep you up to date with all the mural action and create a link here soon!!!!! the excitement!

Meanwhile I'm currently sitting in living being abused by my house mate for being geeky with my head stuck in my laptop reading all my RSS feeds from my google reader. She keeps calling me Digidoll...i'm hopeing the nickname doesnt stick...NOT COOL!

Thursday 2 August 2007

2 days off!!!!

yes!!!!!! i'm loving it...2 whole days off!!! i'm currently sitting in my living room at 3pm drinking tea and not doing much else!!!awesome!!!! yet, poor owen is left in the office doing all the hard work!!!! i'm sure that he'll get his own back soon!!! and .........the sun (that red thing in the sky that simetimes appears in the countries) has finally showed its face!!!!! time for a spot of gardening soon!!!