Friday 20 April 2007

awake at dawn!

I got waken up this morning with a phone call from Debbie at the ARC with my wake up call to take her to the hospital for her gross toe op. It took a while to register as debz sounded more like an old welsh man this morning with her grufffly morning voice then her lovely Leaving home at 6.30am this morning, not a time that i normally see or particularly like day began!!!I arrived at the office at 7.30am to the sound of our caretaker hoovering. A lovely man but I'm not a great conversationalist first thing in the morning, normal takes me 3/4 cups of tea and til at least 11am to fully come round to the days business! Sitting down to my desk i was horrified at the sight of a note that I'd written to myself yesterday afternoon asking me to bring my passport to work, not that i was planning on leaving the country but needed some of its details for yet another CRB check!! The government seems to like to be up to date on my daily criminal activities!!! lol. however the funny thing is that picking up my passport at 6.30 this morning was not top of my list, getting dressed was a struggle and driving was interesting! so yes that meant a 30minutes round trip in car back home to pick up my passport only to return by being told that i needed my birth certificate not passport!bum deal!!! The day continues with me currently being killed off by the not so sweet smell of fruits of the forest or thing of that description coming from a can and being sprayed with great enthusiasm!!help!!