Thursday 26 July 2007

Time to play!

As a result of the lack of technology (apart from our amazing blackberry phones of course!)Owen has decided to take himself outside to play!! Boys will be boys!heehe!
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Technolgy is the most wonderful thing in the world....when it works!the internet has been down all afternoon and as a result has left me not able to do much work! I know what you're thinking...?shame!I agree! Michael and roger have been trying to fix it for hours now! I'm so pleased that its not part of my job! Heehee!! There's deffinately no bebo action at the Arc today!!
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Friday 20 July 2007

Take two!

...and what a funny week its been in the world digital technology! As the 'summer' fast approaches myself and owen have been busy planning activities to carry us through the hot and sunny weeks of the holidays!! i live in faith!!! No doubt the summer will be full of fun come rain or shine and i will be playing the part of camera woman while owen plays director. Lights, camera, action will be the theme of the season with the DCN film company!lol.

Wednesday 11 July 2007

fun at Glynneath!

Myself and Owen have had to split ranks today. While Owen entertains to troops at the ARC making digital stories and powerpoints with some of our regulars I'm in the lovely Glynneath Training Centre for their annual open day! While people are popping in and out to find out all the news and gos with the PC Surgeries and our beloved pop-in sessions i find them self being drawn to the kitchen at regular intervals for fresh tea and on going free cakes and biscuits!!!
later i will find myself driving back down the valley to sunny Swansea for Camera Club and a spot of child protection training tonight! oh the fun!

Tuesday 10 July 2007

This week is just passing me by! Meetings, meetings, meetings! We did have a productive meeting with the children's uni today re: camera club! The end of term is near and the children have been mounting up those hours of learning! Bring on the awesome certificates!! And cakes!!!!!

Thursday 5 July 2007

How xcitin!

I'm sending this from my new work phone, how xcitin! Its fab, I,m holding out for it to make me cuppa later!

Tuesday 3 July 2007


I know that some of you may have been worried that I'd been kidnapped by a good looking man or abducted by Owen...but yes i am alive and well! i have to give my heart felt apologies though for abandoning my blogging duties of late! i have been taken over by the phenomena which is 'facebook'.

here's a short recap for those for you that care about of some of my daily goings on...........

Our PC surgery volunteers are now well and truly getting into standing in front of a camera and i think that that we may have found some new entries for Mr world 2007. We had a screening of the completed Portmead school concert, the kids (and teachers) were loving it and were getting well into it. we had spontaneous combustion's of singing and some very funky dance moves being displayed!Ive spent time sitting under plastic sheeting in a field with a camcoder in pouring rain(one step beyond duty in my book), bought some wonderful items from Tairgwaiths stalls................................and yes today we're back in Glynneath for our pop-in sessions!
can may live get anymore interesting??????

from this moment on i promise to try to keep more up to date with the phenomena that is my life and see you all tomoz! chow!