Tuesday 3 July 2007


I know that some of you may have been worried that I'd been kidnapped by a good looking man or abducted by Owen...but yes i am alive and well! i have to give my heart felt apologies though for abandoning my blogging duties of late! i have been taken over by the phenomena which is 'facebook'.

here's a short recap for those for you that care about of some of my daily goings on...........

Our PC surgery volunteers are now well and truly getting into standing in front of a camera and i think that that we may have found some new entries for Mr world 2007. We had a screening of the completed Portmead school concert, the kids (and teachers) were loving it and were getting well into it. we had spontaneous combustion's of singing and some very funky dance moves being displayed!Ive spent time sitting under plastic sheeting in a field with a camcoder in pouring rain(one step beyond duty in my book), bought some wonderful items from Tairgwaiths stalls................................and yes today we're back in Glynneath for our pop-in sessions!
can may live get anymore interesting??????

from this moment on i promise to try to keep more up to date with the phenomena that is my life and see you all tomoz! chow!