Wednesday 18 April 2007

Green Fingers

Well after finishing work yesterday i went home to find that....................YES!!! tomatoes are starting are grow in my green house!!!!! I know that this may sound sad to those of you who are not interested in gardening and possible think that its a 'middle aged' thing to do but let me put your minds at rest.......IT's FAB!!! I'VE HAVEN'T BEEN SO EXCITED FOR AGES!!!! (making myself sound sadder, i know) and yes i know that it just veg but how exciting, I'm making things grow!!!! I blame Chris from Glynneath allotments! We've been going there on Thursday afternoons to help his volunteers make a documentary video of the patches developments over the next few months as we watch the garden grow. What i didn't know was that this was to be the beginning of things to come!! I'm turning all green fingered and stuff! The funny things is that a few months ago a bought a beautiful plant from Ikea and killed it in less then 24 hours! oops! But now I've got the added motivation of being able to eat the results of my labour!! can't wait!!