Wednesday 25 April 2007


I'm feeling hard done by today and I'm after some serious pay back! To explain my usually mood let me take you back to yesterday........ You may recall that i was in our 'pop in' session at Glynneath yesterday morning where we had a visit from a lady who runs the Glynneath Guinea Pig rescue service. A very worth well and worthy cause!! After posting a blog later that afternoon telling my huge world wide following of my daily goings on i received a text message from a friend how works in a dental unit. It read as follows : "do you know what i found out today off one of my patients that glynneath has a guinea pig rescue service how random". Just so that you realise how amazed i was at this point you need to know that none of my friend know my blog address, so how would they know this information???? Do i have stokers?? Who's been following me and watching my goings on??? It's not very often that i hear so much about Guinea Pigs in just one day and for myself and a friend to find out about the same rescue centre in a matter of hours, strange!!!! After reading this text i was astonished, what a small world i thought!! That evening a was around some other friends houses where one of them claimed that her children have been asking about having some pet Guinea Pigs and that she's heard that there's a place in Glynneath she can contact!!!!???? Again....amazement on my part!!!! How could so many things link to this one centre all in a day?? I continued to share my amazement with my 'friends' when only to be told, trying to decode the words through the laughter, that they had completely stitched me up!!!!!! My amazement very quickly turned to embarrassment!! My trusting nature had completely been taken advantage of. One of my had found out my blog address, text it to aload of my other friends who decided to completely wined me up about the whole thing!! BUM DEAL!!!! so this is pay back!!!!