Thursday 26 April 2007

The excitement!!

Hello world and all my fans!! Busy, busy busy....there's been soo much going on in the last two days. I've met some really funny characters in work - we've had an English man telling rude jokes...mmmmm, a welsh man talking about Hitler, a Scottish man asking me on a date, a few sheep, all i need now is a Irish man!!! And Doc Nick has been seduced by a dancing lady! Oh the fun! I've also had time for a spot of dancing, here a picture from last week, i think you'll agree i have a raw talent and I've managed some time to nurture my little baby veggies!!! Could may life get anymore exciting i ask myself??!!!!!! Unfortunately I'm not in work tomorrow so i get to miss out on our journey through Ammanford street market, an experience that made last week for me. just look at the excitement on Owen's face when he saw the array of clothing on offer!!!

Wednesday 25 April 2007


I'm feeling hard done by today and I'm after some serious pay back! To explain my usually mood let me take you back to yesterday........ You may recall that i was in our 'pop in' session at Glynneath yesterday morning where we had a visit from a lady who runs the Glynneath Guinea Pig rescue service. A very worth well and worthy cause!! After posting a blog later that afternoon telling my huge world wide following of my daily goings on i received a text message from a friend how works in a dental unit. It read as follows : "do you know what i found out today off one of my patients that glynneath has a guinea pig rescue service how random". Just so that you realise how amazed i was at this point you need to know that none of my friend know my blog address, so how would they know this information???? Do i have stokers?? Who's been following me and watching my goings on??? It's not very often that i hear so much about Guinea Pigs in just one day and for myself and a friend to find out about the same rescue centre in a matter of hours, strange!!!! After reading this text i was astonished, what a small world i thought!! That evening a was around some other friends houses where one of them claimed that her children have been asking about having some pet Guinea Pigs and that she's heard that there's a place in Glynneath she can contact!!!!???? Again....amazement on my part!!!! How could so many things link to this one centre all in a day?? I continued to share my amazement with my 'friends' when only to be told, trying to decode the words through the laughter, that they had completely stitched me up!!!!!! My amazement very quickly turned to embarrassment!! My trusting nature had completely been taken advantage of. One of my had found out my blog address, text it to aload of my other friends who decided to completely wined me up about the whole thing!! BUM DEAL!!!! so this is pay back!!!!

Tuesday 24 April 2007

Fun at Glynneath

We had our second 'Pop in' session at Glynneath today. What fun!! We had our resident authors of 'Old News' pop in to update their blog, here's a lovely picture of one of them posing for the camera while taking a break from his one finger typing. I'm loving the glasses!!! If you haven't checked out their blog yet then click here, I'm sure that you will find their thoughts and opinions interesting...Maybe not bedtime reading though!? These guys are great, we starting working with them on thier computer skills a few month ago now and thier doing brill. Keep up the good work guys!!!

We also had a visit from a lady that runs the Glynneaths Guinea Pig Resue service. As of today they now have a blog to 'show case' all of thier amazing pigs. There are some seriously cute photos on this blog so for all you animal lovers (i'm not soooo keen) check out the little balls of fluff chooping away to lunch here.

As for Owen and myself, we are about to pop down into Swansea to start editing the hundreds of hours of film that we have collected over the last few weeks. We're in for a fun afternoon, I may need some serious chocolate later!!!!!! It's such a shame that Ammanford Market isn't on today!

Monday 23 April 2007

I went to the our regular DCN meeting this morning, it was strange being there without Debz. You can always rely on her to say something that will amuse you. Returning to the office this afternoon it was unusually quiet again with no Debz in sight, so i decided to give her a ring at home at talk to her from her bed of sickness (well toe sickness anyway). Debz chatted for a good 10/15 minutes and all that was required from me was the occasional "never", "really", "that must of hurt", she does love a good chinwag does our Debz and that's why we all so love her. So Debz if your soo bored at home that you have decided to read the updates on everyones blogs, get better soon!!!!! and now that i have had my daily dose of Debz i'm getting ready to knock-off for the day and if you fancy knowing the full details of the blood and trauma that Singleton hospital experienced on Friday visit Debz blog, however if you have a weak belly stay well clear!!!!!!

Look at those Guns!

Over the last week i've taken some amazing photos on my mobile phone to add to my blogs while out and about on my travels around the deep valleys of Wales but cant get them off my phone. Every time i try to do anything other than text with the thing the batteries completely disappear! Modern technology?? Bum i may never get the chance to share the fab sites of Ammanford and beyond with you!!!!! Instead however, for those of you that have met Owen then i thought that you would like to see this picture that reminded me of him ............look at those guns!!!! heeeheeheee!! Personal i cant tell the difference!

Friday 20 April 2007

awake at dawn!

I got waken up this morning with a phone call from Debbie at the ARC with my wake up call to take her to the hospital for her gross toe op. It took a while to register as debz sounded more like an old welsh man this morning with her grufffly morning voice then her lovely Leaving home at 6.30am this morning, not a time that i normally see or particularly like day began!!!I arrived at the office at 7.30am to the sound of our caretaker hoovering. A lovely man but I'm not a great conversationalist first thing in the morning, normal takes me 3/4 cups of tea and til at least 11am to fully come round to the days business! Sitting down to my desk i was horrified at the sight of a note that I'd written to myself yesterday afternoon asking me to bring my passport to work, not that i was planning on leaving the country but needed some of its details for yet another CRB check!! The government seems to like to be up to date on my daily criminal activities!!! lol. however the funny thing is that picking up my passport at 6.30 this morning was not top of my list, getting dressed was a struggle and driving was interesting! so yes that meant a 30minutes round trip in car back home to pick up my passport only to return by being told that i needed my birth certificate not passport!bum deal!!! The day continues with me currently being killed off by the not so sweet smell of fruits of the forest or thing of that description coming from a can and being sprayed with great enthusiasm!!help!!

Wednesday 18 April 2007

I love my job!

What a random day! I love the fact that every day of my job is completely different from the next. Today myself and Owen had our first official 'pop-in' session at the ARC . We had a lovely lady pop-in (see what i did there) for help with her digital camera and talked to a few others about blogs and digital stories. During which time i got alittle distracted with boys walking around showing off their summer legs in their shorts. So for all you ladies out there i thought that you would appreciate the view that i was seeing while looking up from my computer screen! My job is sooo hard but someones got to do it!! LOL. Our pop-in session was closely followed by a lush veggie curry on a crispy jacket at Cafe Arc and the PC Surgery (or sugarry, as i like to call it). This was shortly followed by the hopeful and excited voices of 2 local ladies, one with a computer monitor in one hand and the other with the computer tower in both hands, each computer part still attached to the other with a led that they could'nt take off (how i laughed....silently) But good old Paddy came to the rescue, a knight in shining blaena armour!!! Go on Paddy! THEN............yes....its that time of a Wednesday again......this could only mean one thing..........CAMERA CLUB!!!!!
Full of sugar and spice and all thing nice after the Easter holidays the local children of Portmead Primary were full of beans.....mind you so was Owen who loves to do cart-wheels in the main hall at Cornerstone. This week Owen decided that it would be a great idea to teach the children how to say "beer can" in such a way that it makes you sound like a Jamaican saying "bacon"?? Following this all 10 children decided that they would repeat it continuously for the remainder of the club!!!!!!! Oh the fun!!!!!! Thanks Owen!!!!

Green Fingers

Well after finishing work yesterday i went home to find that....................YES!!! tomatoes are starting are grow in my green house!!!!! I know that this may sound sad to those of you who are not interested in gardening and possible think that its a 'middle aged' thing to do but let me put your minds at rest.......IT's FAB!!! I'VE HAVEN'T BEEN SO EXCITED FOR AGES!!!! (making myself sound sadder, i know) and yes i know that it just veg but how exciting, I'm making things grow!!!! I blame Chris from Glynneath allotments! We've been going there on Thursday afternoons to help his volunteers make a documentary video of the patches developments over the next few months as we watch the garden grow. What i didn't know was that this was to be the beginning of things to come!! I'm turning all green fingered and stuff! The funny things is that a few months ago a bought a beautiful plant from Ikea and killed it in less then 24 hours! oops! But now I've got the added motivation of being able to eat the results of my labour!! can't wait!!

Tuesday 17 April 2007

Making it personal!

How funny!! I've just got back to the office after our first pop-in session in Glynneath Training Centre where Owen enthusiastically encouraged me to check out the latest up dates on his and Lisa's blogs. I've been sat at my computer for the last 10 minutes now laughing. I'm sure that Maggie thinks that I've completely lost my mind! heeehee. If you are feeling alittle bored sitting at your desk and could do with something to make you laugh you just have to check out their blogs. You'll find exaggerated stories for killer chickens (with photographic evidence) and tales from our lovely Blaena office staff and some daily goings on.
Unfortunately, after reading both Owen's and Lisa's funny tales and classic photos I've realised just how boring my blog is!!! Soooooo watch this space!!! I may have just pointed you to away from my blog yet again (this time on purpose) but you'll be wanting to keep a very close eye on this one!!!! funny photos coming soon! lol. (for those of you not so down with text talk, that's laugh out loud!)

Wednesday 11 April 2007

Be a blogger!

Blogs are a great way for you to give information to others about almost everything. If you have a point of view to tell, family to keep in touch with, part of a community group, community newsletter If you would like to know how to blog and would like some help contact me at the Action Resource Centre on 01792 578632!!

Tuesday 10 April 2007

look how many amazing visits i've had to my site!!!! how popular am i!

Thursday 5 April 2007

Do as i say NOT as i do!!!hheheheheeeehe